Monday, September 16, 2024

25 Or 50 Basis Points?

The investing and trading world will be waiting with bated breath this coming Wednesday and Thursday (17 and 18 September); the Federal Open Market Committee, better known as the Fed, is expecting to announce an interest rate cut for the first time in around three years. After the intent was made known by the Fed back in August, you could observe equities, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and even gold were rising in anticipation.


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While the consensus among economists, analysts and retail investors were looking at a highly probable 25 basis points cut, there were some quarters that speculated a higher rate cut at 50 basis points. The reason for the latter is mainly on the viewpoint that the prolonged high interest rates are hurting the market more than it should, and this opinion is gaining traction. As of 13 September, the CME FedWatch had placed an equal probability (i.e., 50%) for a 25 and 50 basis point cuts; just the week before, the 50-basis point cut was given only a 30% chance1.


Potential Reaction Of Markets 

Interest rates play a huge part in the performances of the various asset classes; equities, REITs, long term and corporate bonds, and gold are on the uptrend, while short term treasuries and cash are seeing a downside. From my observations and guesstimates, my conclusion is that the markets are currently pricing in a 25-basis points reduction. However, if 50 basis points is announced, the market volatility would be higher, whether is it upwards or downwards is depending on which asset class, sector / industry and companies that you are looking at. 

This means REITs may rise further, gold may yet reach another all-time high, banks may feel a slight downward pressure due to the deemed lower net interest income, the USD/SGD exchange rate may go down to the level not seen since late 2014, etc. Notice the word “may” used, because we do not really know how the markets will react, hence the word “potential” for this section heading.

For this round, I may adopt the following actions (not exhaustive):

  • Change more USD and/or buy more USD denominated counters.
  • Average up fundamentally sound equities and REITs that do not rise much vis-à-vis the general market rise. 
  • Average up corporate bonds.
  • Buy into banks if price weakness is shown

Whatever the interest rates, and macroeconomic conditions, good or bad, there is always an opportunity to invest in the markets.



1 – FedWatch. CME Group. 13 Sep 2024. (accessed 15 Sep 2024).

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